Opaque and pearllized BOPP Film, pearl BOPP film,packaging for ice cream and food application,pearllized film, thin film, china film, foils, heat selable peallized and Opaque film, pearl film, pearllized BOPP from China-PlasNEX HK IND Company.



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Opaque and Peallized BOPP Film

PlasNEX HK IND Technology is a one among the other crucial parts of our performance. We continuously update our technology standard with the latest world’s technology of Pearl White BOPP Film as Tensilised, wieldable on one side only or on both sides, prepared for printing on one side only or on both sides – thickness from 28 to 60 micrometers. They are mostly used for packaging suitable for ice-cream, cosmetics and confectionery; mainly for chocolate and cakes.

Properties of pearl white films:

diminished adhesion to chocolate
high mechanical durability
low water vapor permeability
high resistively to low temperatures
resistively to fat, oils and acids
high yield due to low density

BOPP peallized roll

production supply pearl film china

peallized slitting film

1. Heat-sealable copolymer layer
2. Pearl (white pearl) BOPP basis
3. Reinforcing BOPP layer
4. High gloss, heat-sealable copolymer layer, activated for printing

layer bopp pearl film

香港灣仔駱克道322.          22/F.,3 Lockhart Road, WanChai, Hong Kong.
TEL: 2322 4329 FAX : 2322 4728 E-mail :plasnex@plasnex.com
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